About Us

blue pumpjackE8 LLC, Inc. was founded by John G. Svinos in April 2012. E8 provides training and consulting services to the oil industry in the area of rod pumping optimization. John G. Svinos founded E8 LLC after taking early retirement from Theta Oilfield Services, Inc. in March 2012. John has a masters in Mechanical Engineering and 33 years of experience in rod pumping optimization technology. He founded Theta Enterprises, Inc. in 1989. John sold Theta Enterprises, Inc. to Norris Sucker Rods (a subsidiary of Dover, Corporation) in 2007. After the acquisition by Norris the company was renamed Theta Oilfield Services, Inc.

Theta, under John’s leadership developed the leading rod pumping system design software RODSTAR, and the first Expert Diagnostic analysis software XDIAG which is used in Theta’s XSPOC automation software. XDIAG uses pattern recognition and expert knowledge to automatically analyze rod pumping systems and can interpret downhole dynamometer cards. John also directed the development RODDIAG, XBAL, XTOOLS, and XANIMATE software and was the chief design engineer for XROD which is the first Artificial Intelligence automatic rod pumping system design software in the oil industry. John Received a US Patent for the the artificial intelligence technology used in XROD in 2011. John also taught hundreds of rod pumping optimization courses worldwide and is considered one of the leading industry experts in the areas of rod pumping system design, diagnostic analysis and optimization. Course locations include: USA, Canada, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Romania, Austria, England, Australia, Bahrain, and Indonesia.

John continues to work as a consultant for Theta Oilfield Services and is actively involved in the development of new software features and capabilities for all Theta software.